Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Year 9 and Year 13 Team Building...

We have had our Year 9 students in today where they had an opportunity to go into their core subjects to see what they were all about. Our Year 13 students were in going through their credits and making sure all their courses for this year are sorted out. To relieve all this hard work both year groups were out on the field this afternoon doing team building activities. It was a hot afternoon but the senior students were keen to show the new Year 9 students how we get into the Tamaki spirit!!!


  1. Hi, It was a very, very hot start to the school year. It looks like everyone had an awesome start to the school year at Tamaki College. I hope everyone had a good Christmas and I wish you all the best for 2010.
    I can't wait to see what happens next on your blog.

    Miss Walker RTLB

  2. This is great to see - we are sitting here watching it going "Oh, my goodness, xxxx is in Year 9 already!!!" (Tiana, you know we are talking about you too!!!)
    Have a great year
