Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Hunger Games


  1. Hey Tamaki Collage you guys have lots of talent where do you get those acttion from well done my favorite parts was when that boy paunch that girl on her face.


    1. Hi Sateki,

      We are so glad you enjoyed our science movie, thank you for your comment. All the actors did so well.

      If you would like to see some other science movies we made in class this year, feel free to check out our class blog here:

    2. I like your movie because It is funny and cool. I like how that guy gets tangled in the ear phones and how the main character dies in the end because he ate blue cheese

  2. Hey Tamaki,
    I loved the movie I thought it was really funny how you remake the The hunger games into Science The hunger games. I mostly laughed at the facials that you guys had made. I really hope you make more movies.

    1. Hi Rosalina,

      That's so cool you enjoyed our science movie and thought it was funny, thank you for taking the time to leave a comment as well.

      We have made some other science movies in class this year, feel free to check out our class blog here:

      We hope you like them!

  3. Hi Tamaki College,

    Thank-You for producing that movie, it was so awesome. I like the part when all the student went to the hunger games. Keep Up The Great Work

    From Ashley

    1. Hi Ashley,

      Thank you for coming to the TCTV blog and leaving us a comment! Yes Tyrone did well looking like he was going into a daydream!

      If you would like to see some other science movies we made in class this year, feel free to check out our class blog here:

  4. Hay T.C I really in joyed your movie
    it was really cool

    1. Hi Sohel,

      Thank you for your very nice comment.

      If you want to see some other science movies at TC then you could check out our class blog here:

  5. Hi Tamaki collage you guys are very good at movie making i really liked it and keep up the good work kiwi mate.

    1. Hi Harlem,

      Thank you for coming here and leaving such a nice comment, we really appreciate it.

      If you would like to see some other science movies we made in class this year, feel free to check out our class blog here:

  6. Hi
    Great movie! I loved it I really liked it how you did the arrow flying. You did some cool acting with the punches. Keep up the good work

    From Lucy

    1. Hi Lucy,

      Thank you for your comment, all of the students did such great acting you're right!

      Some of the actors and other students in our science class have made other movies this year:

  7. Hi Tamaki Collage I like the part on your movie is when they where getting ready to run to get a weapon.

    1. Hi Maysun,

      We're so happy you enjoyed our science movie, thank you for coming to leave a comment.

      If you want you could check out our class blog with some more movies here:

  8. Hey,your movie cracked me up it was so funny and how do you guys make awesome videos like that.


    1. Hi Presayus,

      I'm glad you thought our movie was funny, thank you for your comment!

      Some of the students have made other science movies this year too! You can see them here:

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. That is the best one I have seen in all the movies at of school this is the best movie its themed of the hunger games its the hunger games but better than ow one.

    1. Hi Nate,

      We're so glad you enjoyed our hunger games movie, thanks for your big compliment!

      If you would like to see some other science movies we made in class this year, feel free to check out our class blog here:

  11. Hey tamaki college awesome movie you made it was very cool!! keep it up

  12. Dear TC
    I love how you did the 'Hunger Games' Keep it up

    By Elizabeth.

  13. Hay I like your movie and what you were doing it was amazing and cool.

  14. Hi
    I really think that creating a mini hunger games was really cool.
    Great Job I thought it was funny

    From Matthew at Stonefields School

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hi

    I really liked how you created a real life version of the hunger games, I thought it was very funny when you shot him.

  18. HI Tamaki collage I really loved your talented films it was funny how Ricky lufe got tangled in the wires.Your fimls were just Wow amazing.Keep it up!!

  19. this is so cool
    i think i want to do a video like that

  20. I like the why you put the movie together and how the arrow was flying hope you make more

  21. Hi tamaki collage I like the way you
    put the movie together.I wish you make more amazing movies next time.

  22. Hey Tamaki College,

    Wow!! What an amazing movie you have presented to the Manaiakalani Film Festival this year. It was a great opportunity to watch and hear your movies and presenters. The most shocking and favourite parts were when one of the boys had punched the Girl. Which was quite sad and funny at the same time. Keep up the great work:)

    Sela- P.E.S

  23. Hey TC
    I love your movie,there is some funny part in it, and some wired,but thats what makes the movie wonderful. My 2 fav parts were the boy punching the girls face, and one of the boy facials.
    Keep up the good work and I cant wait to see your next years movie.

    Marama :)

  24. Hi that was a good short film, but do u think you can improve it. Thanks. Cant wait to see more. :)

  25. Hi Tamaki College what a funny movie you guys done yous looked awesome keep it up

  26. Hi Tamaki College what a funny movie you guys done yous looked awesome keep it up

  27. Hi Tamaki College,

    I think this is a really cool movie that you have created and produced. Keep up the hard work.

    Yours Sincerely,


  28. Hi Tamaki College,

    I really loved watching this movie because it is so funny. The funniest part I like was when the boy punched the girls face. The other part I like about the hunger games was that I really like the songs you picked.

    From Mere

  29. Hi Tamaki College
    Your movie was awesome!
    I loved how you took a well-known movie and made a science- like version. It was a really clever idea. You made it just like the real hunger games.

    Sophia from Stonefields School

  30. Hi Tamaki Collage, You guys made the crowd go wild with that music and the action. Keep up the great work.

    From Jane

  31. Hey Tamaki College, I really liked you movie. It is really funny how you did the movie.

    Thank you Tamaki College

    From June

  32. Hey Tamki Collage I loved his movie it was funny and my favorite part on the moime was the boy eat the food.

  33. Hi Tamaki collage I liked your song choice that you picked for the movies they look awesome keep up the great work.

    From Gozan

  34. cool movie but why was there a cannon noise at the end? was it just for fun or for a reason?

    1. Hi Shannon,

      Thanks for your comment, great question!

      The cannon in the Hunger Games (the real movies) goes off when someone dies :( So we put it at the end to make people wonder - did he die from eating the blue cheese, and was he actually daydreaming the whole time or was he actually part of the Hunger Games?

      We've made some other science movies this year too, you can see them here:

  35. Hi Tamaki collage I like the songs you have chosen to use in your movie. My favourite part is when he eat the cheese and he pass out. Nice movie.

  36. Amazingly funny especially the blue cheese part me and my friends are having a huge debate over whether blue cheese is nice or not.

    Zeb stonefields

  37. Tamaki college your movie was the best movie in the cinema for me and my friends. Your movie was the best out of all of it I really liked it.
    My favorite part was when the boy got tangled with the rope and when the other boy volunteered to eat blue cheese. Hahahahaha

  38. Tamaki college your movie was the best movie in the cinema for me and my friends. Your movie was the best out of all of it I really liked it.
    My favorite part was when the boy got tangled with the rope and when the other boy volunteered to eat blue cheese. Hahahahaha

  39. Hey Tamaki this is so funny and cool!

  40. Tamaki college your movie was the best movie in the cinema for me and my friends. Your movie was the best out of all of it I really liked it.
    My favorite part was when the boy got tangled with the rope and when the other boy volunteered to eat blue cheese. Hahahahaha

  41. Tamaki college your movie was the best movie in the cinema for me and my friends. Your movie was the best out of all of it I really liked it.
    My favorite part was when the boy got tangled with the rope and when the other boy volunteered to eat blue cheese. Hahahahaha

  42. Hi Tamaki Your movie was very great and funny. All the movies that I have seen from all of youse they looked cool. Good work.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Hi Tamaki Collage I love your movie because is so funny a nice. You have good talent and acting my favorite part was the boy paunch the girl face.

  45. Hi Tamaki College,

    I loved your movie and from the beginning I got hooked in. I am just wondering who came up with the Hunger Games Idea? Overall great work Tamaki College!

    Yours Kindly,

  46. Hey Tamaki!
    Awesome movie, i like the music in the background. Great Job

  47. Hi Tamaki College all of you have Guy have good talent and Acting. You all put a show for us and i think some people love it.Keep the Great Work up.

    From Xavier

    1. Hi Xavier,

      Thank you for coming to watch the movie again on TCTV and leaving such a nice comment!

      The students have also made some more movies this year, you can check them out here:

      From Miss Wells

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Tamaki college your movie was the best movie in the cinema for me and my friends. Your movie was the best out of all of it I really liked it.
    My favorite part was when the boy got tangled with the rope and when the other boy volunteered to eat blue cheese. Hahahahaha

  50. Hi tamaki college I like your movie and the part where the boy gets tangled up in the headphones. Keep the good work up.

  51. hey tamaki I like your talent and the thing i like the song you did a good work

  52. Hi you guys have the most coolest idea's and funny songs in your movie.I think your guys movie is the best this year.It was so COOL....

  53. Hi Tamaki
    Awesome movie, really, really enjoyed it. I liked the part when you were in slow motion. And those facials!!! I also liked your handshake. Thanks for creating and sharing it to us.

    1. Hi Vasa,

      Thanks for your nice comment! The boys came up with that handshake, it was pretty cool!

      They have made another movie this year called The Skeleton Mystery, you can watch it here if you would like:

  54. Hay Tamaki that was a cool video that you made, the part i like is when that boy had a day dream and also the part when they ran and when the boy got tangled with the earphones keep it up Great work guys

  55. Hi Tamaki,

    I liked the movie it was really cool and i also thought that the facials you guys made where really funny! Keep up the awesome work T.C!!

    1. T.c for life. tamaki college i like your movie i really like it G.I 79 eastside

  56. Hey Tamaki college...

    I really enjoyed watching your movie and it got me thinking, the boy who ate the blue cheese was very brave. Great job!

    1. Hi Heather,

      Yes and he actually ate it in real life too when we filmed it!

      Thank you for taking the time to come here and comment.

      If you want to see some more science movies you can see them here:

  57. Hi Tamaki people
    I thought your movie was really funny when you were imagining playing in the hunger games but you were really volunteering to taste blue cheese.

  58. Hi Tamaki College
    This was a very good movie about The Hunger games. You really did put on a show for us as I really enjoy watching it.

  59. Hello Tamaki College it was so awesome and amazing to watch your movie about The Hunger Games. I really liked the slow motion when you were running.

  60. Hi Tamaki College, your movie was great. I liked your songs that you used and I think everyone is going to enjoy it. You are good actors and fast runners.

  61. Hi Tamaki your movie was the BOMB everyone in the cinema loved it. Thanks for producing it I had such a good time watching it.

  62. Hi Tamaki College....
    What a great movie that you guys made. I think that you have done an awesome job and that you
    put a lot of effort into it, so well done and keep it up.

  63. Hey Tamaki,
    What an amazing film you've shared to us. I really liked the part when you guy's were in the moment standing in the circle, it made me feel like I was watching the actual movie but with a twist. Just a thought, who came up with this idea. Your cool.

    Keep it up Tamaki.
    Tena Koe

    1. Hi Autymn,

      Thank you for your comment, it was very thoughtful. We really wanted to make a movie using the Turn Down for What song, and the hunger games running seemed to fit it. We had to get everyone into a semi circle at the start to make it look like how it was in the real movie! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

      If you want to see some more of our Tamaki College science movies you can check them out here:

      Kind regards,
      Miss Wells

  64. Hey Tamaki College.
    My name is Tupou and I am from Glen Innes School. I really enjoyed your Hunger Games movie it was so funny. I liked the part when the boys had to run and pick up an object. I look forward for your next movie.

  65. Kia ora Tamaki College I loved your movie. Also I love the song and how you people act out the movie.Keep it up.

  66. hello TC my name is limi from Glen Innes school and I really like your movie because it is funny,awesome and really really cool.The part in the movie that I like is when the boy got tangled up with the wire and when the other boy volunteered to eat blue cheese.
    I would like to ask how long did it take your group to do the whole movie.

    1. Hi Limi,

      Thanks for your comment!

      It only took us a day to film it because all the actors did so well!

      Then it took a couple of days to edit it and make it shorter than 3 minutes!

      If you want to see some more movies the actors have made you can check them out here:

      Kind regards,
      Miss Wells

  67. Hi Tamaki College I really like your acting. I really like the hunger games I can't wait to see Mockingjay part 1. I like it when you tried the air phones. That was very funny.

  68. Hey Tamaki College, I thought your film was very funny and also interesting. Keep up the good work

  69. Hi Tamaki.
    I found your movie the best! It was funny and enjoyable. Im looking forward to the next movie you guys share. Keep it up T.c!

  70. Hi, Tamaki
    Your movie was 2x AWESOME!
    My favourite part was when you's were defending yourself with "Fake" arrows.
    It made it more funnier.
    I hope you'll make many funny movies.

  71. Hey Tamaki College.
    I really enjoyed the hunger games film it was so funny and discusting at the same time . Your song choice suited the film. I liked how you changed setting. When we did our film we had decide where we should do it because we needed a court room. How long did it take you to film?

    Yazmin, Glen Innes School

  72. Hi Tamaki College,i like your movie because it was funny when the boy punched the girl in the face,and when the boy got shot from the girl.

  73. Tamaki college you move is cool and amzing

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I was going to say, that I loved the movie that you made. I liked the fake fighting in the end. The movie made me laugh a lot.

  75. this is so so cool and it is like the real Hunger Games that i have watched .

  76. Hello Tamaki College.

    I have to say I was really impressed on how much work you have put into your movie. I especially liked the way you included some humour into your movie, it made me laugh a lot!

  77. Hello Tamaki College

    Love your remake of the Hunger Games so awesome hope you do more next year

  78. Hi Tamaki College this movie was cool. I liked the song in this movie. This looks like the real hunger game. Why yous fighting for chocolate?

  79. Ni hao
    Tamaki college I liked the part when the boy punched the girl in the face and how they done all that for chocolate.

  80. Kia Ora Tamaki College.
    Your movie is one of the funniest movie in the cluster. I like the background music it is very good how did you do it. I like how the boy got the bowan arrow and shot it in his arm that was funny.

  81. Kia Ora T.C

    Your movie about the Hunger Games was really funny. I enjoyed the movie that your school had made. Your school is very creative at filming movies. I hope you create even more funnier movies than this.

  82. Kia Orana Tamaki College, this movies is like awesome. It is very very funny. I like the part about the wire thing. I started laughing. How did you think of this movie? I am coming to TC next year. I hope I make a funny movie. Do you like Hunger Games?

    1. Hi Chase,

      That is exciting you are coming to Tamaki College, maybe you can help us make another movie for the Festival next year.

      If you want to see some other movies we have made in Science, you can check them out here:

      We wanted to have something to do with Science, and the Hunger Games is coming out soon, so we tried to mix the ideas together!

      Kind regards,
      Miss Wells

  83. Hi Tamaki College, your film was amazing, funny and interesting. Your film was cool because it was a remake of the real Hunger Games. The best part was when that boy got tangled up in the earphones and the cables.
    Loved it <3 ;)

  84. Ki Ora Tamaki College
    I really enjoy your movie it was amazing. I like your music and I like the part when the boy
    punch the girl in the face it was funny.
    Wesley Glen Innes

  85. Hi Tamaki College.
    I love your movie so much, I could watch it all over again. Your music went really well with your movie. I love how you incorporated your movie with the hunger games. What move are you going to do next year?

  86. Hi Tamaki College yous did great on your movie. The song suited your film. I liked your ideas yous took your guys film some where else but not your school. Well done.

  87. Hello TCTV:)
    I really enjoyed your movie, especially the effects
    & songs. I also loved how you acted as if
    you were in the Hungers Games!
    I am looking forward to next year's movie's:)
    Keep up the amazing work...

  88. Room 10 at Glenbrae School really enjoyed this movie. We liked the music choice, and the action.
    We liked the way the actor blocked his nose, when he had to eat the cheese. We have just been learning about how our sense of smell can effect our taste.
    Can we ask the actors, were they nervous when filming the movie?

  89. Hello TCTV

    I really enjoyed your movie because it was like the class was dreaming so that they can decide who will eat the stinky cheese. xD

  90. i really like this move its so cool i like the i just like it so much Frome Germaine Point england school

  91. Hi Germaine and i really enjoted this video

  92. Hi Tamaki collage I liked your movie that you made. I liked the music that you choose for your movie keep up the Good work.

    From Gozan

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Good work Tamaki college i really like your movie it is awesome I like the songs and I like how you did your hunger games. Good work Tamaki College keep up the good work

  95. Hi my name is rohullah you have good movie

  96. Hi tamaki college,
    Your video is outstanding and really creative. It is very funny but awesome.
    Keep up the great work.

  97. HI Tamaki,
    I liked your movies because the boy fall over.

  98. Good work Tamaki college i really liked your movie

    from Jorja

  99. Hi Tamaki College
    Your video is awesome my favorite part was when the tall boy tried to untangle the earphones because he looked like as if he was trying to do magic keep up the great work.
    By Harry

  100. goood work tamaki college
    i like the movie. I thank your movie is the best

  101. Hi thank you for the film the movie was so fantastic keep up the great and cool work
    from Calvin

  102. Hi TCTV
    I really like your movie and the canon firing at the end signalling that he has died was very smart. I play minecraft hunger games and I like playing it so that makes me like your movie even more.
    Keep up the good work

  103. Your movie was great because That movie was just like the real hunger games

  104. Hi Tamaki college your movie was the the best.

  105. That was a good short flim. I realy enjoyed it. It looked like it was true.

  106. Your movie was great because i liked it how you's copy'd the hunger games and how you played the turn down for what song.

  107. hi my name is Miami and i like your movie it is the best

  108. Hi i like your movie of the hunger games and the dj snake song

  109. Hi my name is Inoke. your movie is very cool because it looks real. keep it up Tamaki college

  110. HI TCTV I love your video because it is about participating in a task that your given and I like your DJ snake song

  111. Kia ora Tamaki college!
    I really love your Maniakalani film. I like how you added the music effects to make your film more interesting. What was your most favourite song in the film?

  112. Hi Tamaki, cool video yous did, it was funny as. keep up the good work guys.

  113. Hi Tamaki college, I like this video because it has sound effects and the best part is when the guy was tangled up with the earphones.

  114. Hello! I really like your film because your music suited your film!

  115. That was a cool movie, I like the songs because they matched your movie. Your acting was really good as well.

  116. Hi Tamaki college,
    I really like the way you have put music into your video. Great job.

  117. Hi
    Your video is great because the way it has been shot with slow motion and others acts. You have tried to copy the real movie 'the hunger games' is fun.

  118. hi guys your movie was cool and funny

  119. Hi Tamaki College, I really like your film because everybody had expression and it had sound effects which made the movie better. Great job!

  120. HI tamiki college,
    You have some great talent.
    It looks like you put a lot of work and effete into this video.
    Keep up the great work and learning.

  121. Hi Tamaki Collage.
    I like how at the end the cheese poisons you. You all have different weapons and you all used them properly. I like how you punched the girl it was really Hilarious. If you have time check our one out:
    Your video is so good mostly when it was on the screen you also choose some god music that go with it.
    From Nazella From Panmure Bridge School

  122. Your film was awesome! I liked the acting because it was really funny and I like the part at the end how the boy fainted.

  123. The music you used in the movie is simply stunning

  124. Hey Tamaki College.

    Your movie was hilarious. This film was the best, well personally, short film in the entire cluster that I have watched. The music was awesome, and I like how you incorporated the loud bang when someone 'died'.

  125. Hello Tamaki College.

    Your movie was great. It was funny and probably the best movie in the cluster. The music you chose was great. The effects was great and the transitions were awesome. Great work Tamaki can't wait for next year.

    From Kolio

  126. Hi Tamaki,
    that is the best video
    ever I like the song and
    that is so amazing.

  127. Hi Tamaki
    The music you used in the movie was bass dropping means in my words AWESOME.

  128. Hi Tamaki

    The music you used in your movie is simply amazing :) great job

  129. Hi Tamaki College

    I like how you Volunteered as tribute it was Awesome.
    Great job on making the movie It was fun :)

  130. Hi Tamaki College

    I like how you added the real Hunger Games countdown it was really amazing.

  131. Hi Tamaki collage I liked your movie because it was funny and awsome.
    And I can not wait for your other movie

    From Saintpatricks

  132. Hi Tamaki College

    I like the things you use for the Hunger Games 4
    it was Awesome :)

  133. Hey guys, that was a good movie that yous guys made up. Keep it up!!!!


  134. Hi Tamaki College

    I like the song because it suits the acting.Awsome work

  135. hi my name is tevita smith and you now what I liked about your work was when you made it like it was in the hunger games and that was cool

  136. Hi Tamaki College

    I like how you guy's used some cool thing's to attack the other people and win. And when I got hooked in it was when you guy's were afraid of eating something. And all the detail that you guy's put in to from Zack.

  137. Awesome hunger games short film and I like the fighting in it

  138. Hi Tanaki Collage
    it was funny how you guys used toy arrows and the guy who got the head phones tangled around him.

  139. Hi Tamaki collage I really enjoyed watching your movie, it was funny and I also liked all the fighting and how he had to eat blue cheese at the end.

  140. Hey Tamaki College, great movie. It was HIGH_LARIOUS this had so much action! You guys are so talented when it comes to producing entertaining movies. Keep it up!

  141. Wow that was so funny and creative It was funny when that boy got tangled up and when that boy had to eat blue chess he fainted on the ground that was so cool cant wait for next years movie

  142. Hi Tamaki Collage people.
    I like your video about the hunger games it was a cool film and I liked the turn down for what song it was mean-cool.
    By Fanoalii

  143. I like the actors in the film and I like the music that you used in the film because it matched the actions.

  144. i like your video because its funny and cool

  145. I like this video because it is about fighting and it looks cool.

  146. Kia Ora Tamaki College, I really enjoyed your movie and I really think you were marvelous at creating you scen.It was a very amazing idea to use your imagination and change to different scens.Did use really eat the cream and get the chocolate and woke up after you fainted?

  147. Hello! I how you made the arrow look like it was actually shooting into the body, it looked like it was actually in them. This reminds me of my big brother playing with me and my twin. Anyway this was really funny! anyway , bye!

  148. This comment has been removed by the author.

  149. kia ora
    l love this because its so funny and cool and it has my favourite songs favourite it this reminded me of my old school we always did this when my teacher mr ross
    maybe next time to put a cool if you put face paint on there faces it would look really cool

  150. Kia ora
    My name is Vincey from owairaka primary school. I love this film that it inspire's me that i could do time you should work on some acting but otherwise great job love and LATER BOLT

  151. Kia ora.
    My name is J'varn from owairaka District School. I love this flim its something that its really funny. See you later carl

  152. love the posts keep it up

  153. Hi I'm Alanna and I'm from Westland High School. I really liked your film, The story was great and the acting was amazing. It was really fun and I like how you decided to remake the Hunger Games. Good work :)

  154. Hi im Faith from blaketown school and this was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny I love it good job

  155. Hi My Name is Sam and I go to Westland High School. I really liked the film and the way that you created the way the actors were "killed". I really like the likeness to what you intended it to be.

  156. Hi I'm Theo, from Kaniere School. I liked the sound for the film and the effects. The way it looked and the different places there was, I also liked all of the characters that there were. That movie was really good, and I really liked it. Maybe you could make it so we know the characters a bit more, like there personality's. Great job!

  157. Hi my name is Ben from Kaniere School. I really enjoyed this movie you made for the film festival. I love the idea of having hunger games for crunchies it is so creative. The zooms are sooo good it has all the right angles. With the zooms if it is hard to see you zoom in or if it’s big then you zoom out. How long did it take to make this movie? What are the characters names I would like to know I think they can be really interesting.

  158. Hey Tamaki Primary my favorite part is how you got one of your friends to be the teacher. I liked how you did the shotgun noise when someone got out. How did you get the angles for all of the weapons?
    Good job by Billy at Blaketown School.

  159. Hi Im Elise and I go to St Francis of Assisi School.
    Cool faces and seemed very fun. The angles were pretty cool. I loved the music!!
    Good Job! How long did it take you to film this movie?

  160. hi i am blake from honby primary school this is amazing because i like how you put tturn down for what this part gave me a memory about when i run very fast maybe yo could do a part 2 here is a question can yo do more songs?

  161. Kia Ora. My name is Angela from Owairaka District school. I enjoyed the part when you guys are running to get the chocolate. You taught me to film different shots and angles. I liked how you used different kinds of angles and shots.
    You should check out My blog.
    Blog you later.
